Sunday, September 4, 2005

Addicted to Email

I have already realized the benefits of blogging. Blogs make it easier to find news and views from sources most relevant to me.

The Internet is overwhelmed with information, and finding information to ones needs and taste can be quite difficult. How many times have you asked someone to send you a link to a news article, "How to" Web page or a funny picture. When I want to share information with others, I send out a mass email to everyone. But, really how many times do we read an article received from email. Especially, if it is an religious email, those emails are usually longer, and we feel guilty if we don't read them. Like, it is haram to delete them. My friends typically will follow-up after sending a religious email. Here is a typical conversation.

Religious email dude: Brother, did you read the email I sent you. What beautiful words of Allah.
Me: Sorry bro, I have been busy with work, have not had time to read it.
Religious email dude: You do not have time for this deen and Allah, but have time for work. Astagfirillah brother, this is the problem with this umaah, no one seems to care about propagating this deen.
Me: (In my head) Remember to add Religious email dude email address to junk email list.
The most interesting fact is that we love email. I admit, I check email atleast 2-3 times a day. At work, when I get an email (work or personal), I stop whatever I'm doing to read the new email. If the email is not a picture or a simple paragraph, I do not even bother reading it. The fact is that we all love to receive email, but not read them.

Switching to a completely different topic, and the original intention of my post.
Hurricane Katrina is the most popular news topic these days, and lots of information and articles are out there. Here is a summary of the most interesting that I have found.
  • Race and bias in the media in pictures.
  • New Orleans Mayor responds to Hurricane Katrina
  • Kanye West speaks out against relief effort
  • Andersen Cooper yells at Louisiana senator
  • An opinion out of left-field, Fox News Bill O'Reilly suggests his reason as to why people did not leave New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.

1 comment:

Din said...


The emails I dont like are ones which take you on a ride if you know what I mean...... that one cant even figure out what the other person is trying to say....and one has to send a clarification email asking
"br'ather, could you clarify what your tring to say please :-P"