Friday, September 2, 2005

The blogging has begun

My first post should probably explain the rationale as to why I am starting this blog and hope to accomplish from it. Well, first off, it seems to be the hip thing to have these days. It provides people a medium to sound off about their problems or keep us up-to-date on the daily occurences in their life. It is like an online reality show. We are already obsessed with realities shows, from Survivor to the Amazing race. Reality shows are really a show about nothing. No plot, no story, just people doing stuff. Most blogs are about people doing stuff and reading them makes me either bored or jealous.

For me, blogging will provide an opportunity to talk about issues that matter to me. I was always the type of person who wanted to stand up for injustices in this world by either writing a letter to the editor or attending a protest, but never did, mainly cause of laziness. However, I think this blog will provide an opportunity for me to condemn injustices and praise good-worthy causes. I do not think it will change the world, but shall satisfy my conscience, before I get my own reality show.

So, to finish off in a grande finale ... some marketing hype

I hope this blog will be thought-provoking, challenge the status quo, make you think of issues like you have never thought of them before.
I hope you will come back and read, and post some comments. I am always looking for new distractions at work.


Junaid said...

Wicked. Another convert :)

HQ said...

Azi!! Welcome to the wonderful world of Blog-o-topia...hey if you want me to spellcheck your stuff, let a homie know...:)
looking forward to reading about your travels...take care and tell Yousra to get back in the kitchen...

Ali said...

I think I will officially label myself a trend setter after this one.

Din said...

Ozair, welcome to the world of bla'gging!

But Ali did you not follow the trend se by others yourself when you started blogging? :-P

Ozair said...

I will let Ali have his moments. Yes, Ali's blog has inspired us all :) ... Your next goal is to inspire us all to apply to Law school and talk about the greatness of U.A.E.

Ozair said...

"q", I may need some pre-blog post screening help from you. You could be the "halal verification" blog editor for me :)