Saturday, November 5, 2005

The Art of Bargaining ... Part 2

In a previous post, I talked about some bargaining tips that could be used when trying to negotiate a good deal. Most of the people mocked my tips, believing a South Asian or Arab vendor would not budge. Not having tried these tips myself, I wanted to put them to the test.

I had such an opportunity when I visited an optical store located in Brampton to purchase contact lenses. I had some reservations about purchasing contact lenses from this store because the owner and sales associates were of South Asian descent. My dad and I have philosophical differences when purchasing goods and services. I prefer to go to the non-South Asian store because I can expect a certain level of satisfactory service and decent price. My dad prefers the South Asian stores because he knows that he can bargain with them to get a better deal. I personally don't trust them.

Even though I initially hesitated to go to this store, I ended up purchasing a trial pair of contact lenses. The sale associate was a young women, who took my threats to heart. (condensed script of dialogue)

Me: Can I have my prescription, another store is offering me a better deal for XXX amount.
Sales associate: Don't worry, I can match that price, we want to keep you as a customer
Me: Not sure. How do I know they will be good?
Sales associate: if you buy a long-term supply, I will refund you the price of the trial pair.
Me: aight ... I will buy the trial pair.
After using these contact lenses for a few weeks, I was unsatisfied as they were extremely uncomfortable. So, I went back to the store to see if they could help me resolve my issues. However, during this visit the sales associate was an elder man. The following conversation occurred:

Me: I have problems with my contact lenses.
Sales associate: It must be a problem with your eyes. Buy this more expensive pair, it is better for you.
Me: But ... what's wrong with my current contact lens.
Sales associate: You have eye problem. I am expert in these things. I want to give you #1 customer service, don't worry I will take care you. I take care of my customers. They cost XXX amount.
Me: (trying not to laugh) Other sales associate offered me a better deal (actual truth).
Sales associate: That is impossible. You will not getter better deal.
Me: I will get back to you (like, whatever).

Rather than trying to help me with my problem , the sales associate told me that my eyes had a problem, nothing specific and tried to get me to purchase a more expensive pair of contact lenses.

Result: The next day, I went to the mall and visited The Shoppers Optical. Don't expect another bargaining tips post from me ;-)


Whuzza said...

Sorry to break this to you Ozair, but the trial pairs are free. I think it's like the drug samples that doctors get from the pharmaceutical firms. At the place where I get my contacts, I told them that I didn't have enough until my order came in and they gave me a free pair.

Like you, I never inherited the bargaining gene from my folks as well. But I think being a loyal, repeat customer works better than haggling.

Ali said...

Ozair just got struck by the charms of the young lady behind the counter. Come on Ozair, admit it.

Anonymous said...

man your so soft Ozair. I would of had dropped some F bombs on that sales lady.

Anonymous said...

I can relate to what happen to you in the store. Though I think asians are good at bargaining, one has to pick the right kinda store to do this in.
When it comes down to things like eyes and health etc, Id rather pay the extra amount and go for non desi service. Maybe it just be being pessimistic but the apne dont quite fill be with confidence with they make promises or reccommendations.

Ozair said...

I may have the potential to charm the young (attractive) sales women to get a better deal, but that would not be doing justice to the crazy bargaining that I did (j/k). Although, she was attractive, I don't think it had any effect on the deal I obtained (atleast I think so).

As another bargaining tip, guys should avoid bargaining with women. Most often, guys are less likely to push for a deal. The only chance of bargaining with the elder South Asian guy is to offer him some naan, daal and tandoori chicken.

Saira, I also have issues with our local halal meat store (desi owned). My mom told me she went last week to buy some Afghani naan, and noticed that most the naan was molded. This store is also consistently dirty. These people may purposely be trying to make you feel like you are back in India or Pakistan.

Don't even get me started on the desi men who cut the meat. I am often responsible for going to the meat store and getting the meat based on my mom's instructions. I think many times they take advantage of the fact that I am not a meat expert and do a half-job. Then I go home and get yelled at because I got schooled (sigh).

I agree with Ahmed, for essential services like car maintenance, I would not rely on the desi's. But, for the best samosa's, you would be crazy to go to the local grocery store.