Thursday, January 12, 2006

More election talk and blog poll

UPDATE (1/18/2005): Check out a satire look of the election ads presented by Rick Mercer here. Especially the Youth vote bit, I could not stop laughing.

I have been struggling to come up with an interesting non-election topic for a new post (most people find politics boring). I have been wrestling with a few topics in my mind, but nothing good enough to post about. I know you are all probably interested in hearing about my potential topics, so I have created a poll, where you can vote for the topic that is most interesting to you (or I may vote myself to fix the poll results). Check out my poll here.

Since I must post and the recent Liberal ads are interesting, that will be the topic for my post. The latest Liberal ads are a last-ditch effort to scare voters from the Conservatives by portraying Stephen Harper as this evil man, who will take over the world if he becomes prime minister.

I can subconsciously hear "Muhahahahha" as the ad plays. The funniest thing about these ads is that they take the worst picture of the candidate to show during the ad. If someone wanted to run an attack ad about me, they would probably take a picture of me from grade three where I had glasses half the size of my face.

Although, the intention of these Liberal attack ads are obvious, the content is still interesting.
  • Liberals argued that a Harper government would "increase military presence in our cities.
  • He refuses to reveal his donors. What do you suppose he's hiding?
This article in the Globe and Mail has a complete listing of all of the recent ads and the counter-argument presented by the Conservatives. All I can say is that politics is a dirty game being played by each party and I have a feeling that this game will not end anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

I agree - I think the Liberal ads are really funny and quite well-done. It's their backpedalling and awkward handling of the issue that made it such a hot topic.

Ozair said...

It is quite add that "grown-ups" have to resort to such tactics to get votes during this election. What message does this send to our kids ? To win in a student election, find all the dirt on the other candidates and bash them.

The Rick Mercer report television show did a funny skit about this issue. Check it out here. Funny stuff.