Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tip of the week

The subject of the post implies a weekly stream of tips, I doubt this will be the case, given my recent record of posting, plus I needed a catchy subject for this post.

Tip: Make sure you are on the correct line before you lineup

Before you join a long lineup, it never hurts to ask someone to make sure that you are in the correct line. Most people make the assumption that a long lineup probably ensures they are in the correct line. Furthermore, people usually join the first line they see and don't look for legitimite "butting" opportunities. No harm exists by asking someone in line or a service associate if they are in the correct line since your not doing anything while waiting.

A recent experience at the airport triggered this post. At the airport, I waited in line to get my boarding pass, only be told when I met the sales associate that I was at the wrong terminal. I argued with the associate to no avail. I should also note that it would have helped had I read my e-ticket to get the right terminal, but that is one too many tips for this post.


Ali said...

I already know this tip.

My most recent lining up experience at the airport: I had to check in and get my boarding pass, but the electronic self check-in wouldn't work for some reason. So I got in line to get to the counter. But soon enough I hailed an airline employee standing around and asked her if it was the right line to get my boarding pass. She said it wasn't. It was for people who'd already got their boarding pass. But she said since I was already in line I should continue on and they'd take care of it.

Anyway, pretty boring story. But at least I make sure I'm at the right terminal before I line up.

While we're talking about tips, here's one. If you can help it, try to get a seat with a low number. They're closer to the door. So you can be among the first ones to exit the plane once you've landed.

Ozair said...

Ali, Thanks for the tip confirmation and exection.

I agree with your tip on trying to get the seat number closest to the front. To add to your tip, I always get an isle seat cause you can exit the plane quicker and if you have to go to the washroom, you don't have to cause others to get out of their seats. I never understood why people want window seats, its only 10 minutes of scenery when the flight departs and arrives that you get an opportunity to see stuff. From my isle seat, I can usually see the scenery too.

Actually, the best seats to get on the plane are the exit row seats since you get more leg room. Although, you have the responsibility of opening the exit door, which is really not that hard.

Humairah Irfan said...

Ozair, you need to come back to Shariah program.

Anonymous said...

A follow-up tip is that you should make sure the person you ask about the line you plan to join, isn't one who joined the line just assuming he/she was in the right line. :p

Although I don't travel much on planes, I do prefer window seats on my commuter buses. Aside from the view, window seats provide an uninterrupted thinking/quiet-time opportunity, while aisle seats interrupt my train of thought (or sleep), when people pass by me to get on or off. This could be extended to people choosing window seats on planes to avoid being interrupted by people walking in the aisles.

syacoob said...

I also vote window seats. I hate plane rides for the most part, actually for the entire part. So to make the whole thing as pleasant and painless as possible I usually just sleep. The window seat just gives you something to lean your pillow against after you pull down the shade. Also when ppl have to go to the bathroom, they aren't interrupting your sleep. I think the worst is sitting in between two people. I got caught in that on a 16 hour flight and it was pretty uncomfortable...

Din said...

For long flights you cant afford, to be at the window seat. Last thing you want is a fat uncle or a n auntie blocking your way to the isle. And if nature calls, its hard to I prefer isles.

Add to that, the fact that I am not a big fan of landings or take offs so hehehe...I prefer isles..

Ozair how dos the US border/customs treat you?

Ozair said...

US customs have treated me well, I'm helped by the fact that I am backed by a large multi-national company. It only takes one bad experience for someone to generate a dislike and I have heard lots of stories of mistreatment.

The next time I'm on a plane, I'm gonna see if guys prefer aisle seats and women prefer window seats. I wonder if comments on my thread provide evidence for a real fact.

Ali said...

Thank God someone realized how to spell "aisle" correctly.

For the record, I too prefer aisle seats, for all the reasons already stated here, and also for the fact that it lets you stretch out one of your legs into the aisle - although that can be considered rude by flight attendants and other passengers walking past. Who cares, I'm in freaking economy class and I need some leg room.