Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Hockey Sweater

I had a childhood flashback this week when I saw my sister reading the book The Hockey Sweater for her French class. I remember it being my favourite book growing up.

; It is a story about a kid whose favourite team is the Montreal Canadians but is forced to wear a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey because his Montreal jersey no longer fits. Talk about a loser kid :)

At family gathering, you know when you come across a kid that knows all the statistics about every single hockey player, well that was me as a kid too. Fortunately, I am not that obsessive now, but looking back, those were definitely the good ol' days.


saqibs85 said...

man now its all about the PS2 and who has the winning record ;)

Yousra said...

LE CHANDAIL DE HOCKEY!!! That book brainwashed me into liking Montreal. :o