Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Heroic mother

Have you ever been in a situation where you feared for your life or felt fortunate to have survived a situation. I had those types of flashbacks today when I read this article in the Toronto Star. It is a heroic story about a young mother who risked her life to save her daughter stuck inside a car indulged in flames. Her quick reaction saved herself and her child's life.

I have had my share of moments that I am thankful to have survived, consider the following:
  • Driving on the 407 ETR, my car slipped and did a 180 across three lanes. My car was not hit nor did I hit anything.
  • Driving in a Boston winter snowstorm, where snow was coming down faster than my windshield wipers could clean them.
  • Getting lost in South Philly
During the heat of the moment, you only think about surviving and later reflect back and ponder the "what if" situation. I am sure we have all had similar moments in our lives and are thankful to God for helping us. These moments can be a life changing event, giving us greater appreciation for life. I definitely did during my moments of fear and am sure that the mother and child do too.


Anonymous said...

Yo man i read that article that that baby was CUTE!Zaynub cute.

Golu said...
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Golu said...

remember this one time I got into 2 accidents 30 minutes apart...

First the car slipped and drove onto gravel on the side. While we were changing a flat tire on the gravel a second car came and hit us from the back!